28 Days Later — The Rise of the Gorecats

Life in the Gorecats Death Club (GC-DC)

Viroshan Naicker
Gorecats Death Club
7 min readMar 4, 2022


The Gorecats are an eclectic breed of treacherous little trouble makers hell bent on using every single one of their glorious nine lives, and living as an NFT series on the Solana Blockchain.

Artwork by StudioNX 2022

It’s been 28 days since we launched the Gorecats NFT series on Magic Eden, and since that fateful Friday the world has changed in a myriad of ways — we won’t talk much about the news, there is plenty of talk about that elsewhere, but we do commit to creating the GCDC as a place that holds community, equality, and a sense of fun and story-telling without borders, and as a model of the potential for Web 3.0 to bring people together.

So, without further introductory remarks, let’s talk about the GCDC, and the last 28 days in the project.

The first thing we did was roll out a fungible token — we didn’t plan on having one, but we figured it would add utility to the project, and one of our core values is to work with our community, so we gave you $GORE.

Introducing $GORE

We promised a medium article on the behaviour of the $GORE token, and what you can do with it. However, tokenomics takes time, and it isn’t always straightforward — we’re trying to get the tokenomics 100% right before we release further details: Gorecats is a multi-drop project, and we have more to offer you, but each of the subsequent drops, the comic, and the animated series, needs to be connected to the $GORE token, as well as possible various “stakeholder” streams for long term holders.

This little section explains the basics for beginners, without delving too deeply into the mechanics.

If you hold a Gorecat, then you get $GORE — It’s that simple. They leak it all over the place….

Here is the first version of the “Lore of $GORE” which we will update from time to time.

  1. $GORE is an internal utility token that users can use, to upgrade their basic fiendish and gruesome Gorecats NFTs from the original collection. Upgrades come in two categories that are non-stackable, you can only get one of the two upgrades. Either you get the Bloody upgrade, or you get the Extreme upgrade.
  2. The other use for $GORE is to play one of our games, and do some crazy dice rolls to get in to the Zombie Cat competition, or enter the lucky draw (for an unknown prize) or win more $GORE. The dice roll game is rolling out first.
  3. Original Gorecat Holders, can upgrade their $GORE multipliers through a function on our website. This function is currently — locked our devs are working on the mechanics. We will let you know when you can get more $GORE for your Gorecat, but for now hang to the $GORE you have.
Artwork by StudioNX 2022: Gorecats Rock and Roll

$GORE Allocations

The total $GORE allocation per Gorecat depends on the cats “cat-a-gory” — it’s funny how many of these misspellings we can create. This is going to be added as an attribute to the metadata, and you will be able to see if your Gorecat is — fiendish, gruesome, ghastly, wretched, murderous, hellish or the one and only graffiti guy. The default $GORE allocations are setup below.

The earning categories are as follows.

Fiendish 5 $GORE per day

Gruesome 10 $GORE per day

Ghastly 17 $GORE per day

Wretched 33 $GORE per day

Murderous 66 $GORE per day

Hellish 99 $GORE per day

Graffiti 129 $GORE per day

Ok — the numbers were run and we decided to be hierarchy preserving instead of creating a flat structure with the token allocation. We used the relative prices of the more expensive Gorecats to decide the structure. This means that users who spent more on a single rare Gorecat get the similar benefits as if they would buy a largesse of Fiendish or Gruesome ones.

If you have a lower class cat, there’s no need to make comparisons, and think you are missing out. Remember, the upper class cats are not upgradeable, and yours are!

And if you’ve got an upper class cat, then revel in your relative dearth of personal $GORE and get a fiendish to enjoy the beauty of an upgrade. There is more fun stuff to come!

Check out the previews on our Twitter feed….

Website Redesign and Deployment

We started this project with old school devs who were rooted in Web 2.0, and now we have an absolutely ace front-end developer who has revamped our website, and built an awesome staking UX/UI that does justice to the StudioNX duo’s artwork.

We promise you rounded corners, a feature never seen before on the Solana chain. Ok — I kid, but it’s great having our new UX/UI designer onboard, and as I write this I cannot tell you who he is because I didn’t ask if he could be doxxed.

Here is the wallet explorer from the upgraded site…

Artwork by StudioNX 2022: Gorecats Originals — Staked

Zombie Cats Update

The Zombies are coming — no seriously, they are. The art team are working away creating and crafting the sickest, goriest Zombie cats that you have ever seen — but if you want to see them, then you have to join the discord. We’re not giving the good stuff away on Medium.

Look out for the apocalpyse date. The Zombie Cat collection is offered as a prize to O.G. Gorecats holders and hodlers. There are only going to be 99 Zombie cats created, and they will be available through a lucky draw and staking mechanism.

To get into the Zombie cat draw, you have to stake your Gorecat, earn your $GORE and roll the dice on our website (well the new one anyway). We will run the draws weekly, and…you’ll have to wait an see — nobody expects a Zombie apocalypse.

Artwork by StudioNX 2022: Zombie Gorecats


Collaborations are the heart of Web 3.0, and we’ve been lucky enough to find people that we can really work well with as partners. Over the course of the last month we’ve made frens in many quarters.

Sol Patrol

The Sol Patrol team have been so helpful to us on this journey. They are the back-end team of ace devs, who are supporting us on this ride, and their project is pretty sweet too. We are an affiliate, so if you own a Sol Patrol defender and some Gorecats, then you get the added bonus of being able to collect $BAIL on your Gorecats. The $BAIL token allows you to jailbreak an NFT (with some chance) from the Sol Patrol vault, and it’s all part of their master plan to become a QuantDAO that takes over the Solana NFT space.

What can we say? It’s good to be frens….it’s good to be early on Sol Patrol, and thank you so much for all the help. :)


Artwork by StudioNX and Doggos 2022

Working collaboratively is fun and the outcomes are really fantastical — the Dog’s and Cat friends forever collab was with the folks over at Doggos — another NFT project on the Solana Blockchain.

The animated version of the above was auctioned on Magic Eden for 6SOL (around $600) and the proceeds are meant to go to charities for dogs and cats.

The real team story here is that Adrian (our discord moderator) won the bid. It’s well deserved — you’ve been a tremendous asset to the team, and thank you and the other mods (WierdCat and Valor) for all the help you’ve given us over the past few months.

Back to the Beginning

After all this work, sweat and toil it’s good to reflect. Here are a series of Jim’s original drawings from when Gorecats was conceptualized.

Artwork by StudioNX 2022: Gorecats Originals

And, then there was this dude on the run…

Run Forest, Run! Artwork by StudioNX 2022: Gorecats Originals

Then the madness set in…

Mad as a hatter! Artwork by StudioNX 2022: Gorecats Originals

In conclusion, let’s f*ckin GORE. :)

